I found myself a victim of the hot glue. It was a scene taken out of a comedy show wherein a fool was impatiently pumping a piping hot glue gun. He was doing that not over anything other than his other hand. And then, boom! The nozzle spewed a glob of loogie right on my left pointing finger. There was instant pain as soon as it contacted with my skin and a second after that, it was multiplied by 10.
My son witnessed all this careless stupidity. While the heat was bearing on my skin, I was frozen, not knowing what to do but to wait for the hot glue to dry. I even thought of swatting it out of my finger like a bug. And I did, so I smudged it, causing a bit of collateral damage to one of my fingers. The unbearable pain made me drool. And my son snickered at the sight of that.

As soon as the hot glue petrified, I ran to the kitchen to wash and cool off my finger. My son, beside me, was coaching me to not scratch off the glue as he had experienced a similar accident himself while working on one of his school activities. At that moment while the water was running, I realized that I knew the feeling my son endured when he had his fine time with the hot glue. Definitely excruciating moments.
My Guitar Finger
Not an affliction on my finger could stop me from playing the guitar — especially that I was trying to scratch an itch to figure out the chords that I used for a decades-old song that I wanted to bring back to life. Try as I might, I was confined to playing out that song by forming simple chords not requiring bars.
New Song 4 in 2003
Learning Era
Simple chords just near the head of the guitar reminds me of two distinct periods in my life when I was starting to learn to play the guitar. It was my cousin, Coco, who taught me the earliest chords I knew, which were D - A - G - A
of the song “Line to Heaven” by Introvoys. The second period, was when I became part of a religious organization’s musical band. I was mainly the drummer but subbed on the rhythm guitar. The chords that overplayed in the gospel songs that we played were C - Am - Dm - G - C - C7 - F - Em - Am - Dm - G - C
This electronic music that I composed in MTV Music Generator around that time is an embodiment of those latter chords. And frankly, I find it cheesy.
New Song 4 in 2022
The hot glue accident happened in February and it’s been a full month already. My finger grew a new skin, even though still tender, I am training it to grow a thicker one by playing different chords, especially with bars. The song has come a long way since then. After 22 versions, I finally settled.

New Song 4 on SoundCloud
New Song 4 on Spotify Podcast
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