Reading List: Week 3, June 2022

Many claims never get ‘debunked’ or definitively refuted, they just fade away as people stop talking about them, and you don’t notice an absence if you are simply reading what is put in front of you by the media or journals.

Fake Journal Club: Teaching Critical Reading

[ntt_rl_unsplash href=”HH4WBGNyltc” photographer=”Jaredd Craig”]

Identify the people and activities you care most deeply about. Prioritize them ruthlessly.

It’s Later Than You Think

[ntt_rl_unsplash href=”Cq9slNxV8YU” photographer=”Marisa Howenstine”]

Onboarding is less about delivering information about your company, and more about allowing new employees to get to know each other and ask questions in a safe and supportive setting.

Gen Z Employees Are Feeling Disconnected. Here’s How Employers Can Help.

[ntt_rl_unsplash href=”XB_yndXE4ks” photographer=”Taylor Smith”]

The key is to understand that specificity trades off against freedom, and then to consciously choose for yourself a location that best suits your personality and temperament.

The Freedom-Specificity Tradeoff

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