Category: The Ride

  • Tryin’ to catch a bus

    Tired old man… tired old man tryin’ to catch a bus and the bus has already gone… left a couple of years ago. ~ Bolie Jackson From The Twilight Zone (Season 1 Episode 27): The Big Tall Wish

  • Week-links 3: Mar 24 – 28, 2014

    Gzip Compression Turbo-charge your website’s loading speed by gzip compression. gzip is a software application used for file compression and decompression. How gzip compression works by Google Developers

  • 10 Years Ago Today

    I was a kid of 22. I had my share of birthday blues – watched a pirated movie, ate at Pizza Hut, bought myself a guitar, too. And then, Jaycelle.

  • Flashback Friday:

    In 2006, I started a blog in Blogger called Happy Obituary Documentaries. It hosted a short-lived documentaries of random pictures I liked to take at that time. One particular content that’s been lost in time are the graffiti and vandalism on the walls of the now-gone stadium of Montano Hall in Cavite City. The stuff…

  • Jumping to Chapters Using IDs in Anchor Tags

    Here’s what I particularly like about Time articles – the Chapters are neatly lined up on top in anchor links. In case you want to jump from one part of an article to another. TearSheet The simplest way to implement this is to use the id of the element and put that into the href…

  • C Versus V

    Right now in my career, it seems like C is complacent enough because of the fact that it is being sustained to existence by S. Even with the fact that there is a struggle to stay relevant against a sister competitor, V, innovation and quality in the products that we deliver is so-so. We are…

  • In Designing and Creating

    I dabble in creating a framework in HTML and CSS because I connect how sleek a design is on the outside to its inside and to how good it works. Here’s Jony Ive in an interview with Time to ’nuff said it: Objects and their manufacture are inseparable. You understand a product if you understand…

  • The Gravity Song

    I’ve watched Gravity and thought that Ryan Stone was only dreaming when she landed on Earth. A couple of days after, I’ve seen The Oscars 2014 and heard Karen O’s The Moon Song. I thought it was the theme song of Gravity so I remixed some clips of the movie while the oh-so-dreamy song plays…

  • Trying Out Getty Image’s Embed Feature

    Here’s Beady Eye lead, Liam Gallagher: You see the “</>” icon below the image? That’s the embed action which you will see along with all (I assume) images in Getty’s website. Getty Images is leading the way in creating a more visual world. Our new embed feature makes it easy, legal, and free for anybody…

  • Week-links 2: Feb 24 – 28, 2014

    Dirty Markup DirtyMarkup combines the power of HTML Tidy, CSS Tidy, JS Beautify, and the Ace editor to effortlessly clean up your messy code. Pencil Project Pencil is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in popular…