Category: Information Architecture
Information Ecology
Users Audience Tasks Needs Information-seeking behavior Experience Content Content objectives Document and data types Volume Existing structure Governance and ownership Context Business goals Funding Politics Culture Technology Resources Constraints References Information Architecture Basics
Framed Up
I still could not wrap my head around the whole idea of frames. However, I did like the structure that was described in relation to linguistics. Surface Syntactic Frames – verb and noun structures Surface Semantic Frames – action–centered meaning of words Thematic Frames – settings Narrative Frames – stories We could notice the structure—from…
Defining Elements in a User Interface
There could be two approaches in defining elements in a User Interface (UI): Sentence Label Say, for example, we have a blog post that has a date. In order to define what kind of date it is, we could either define it in a sentence: Published on 1 January 2020. This blog post was published…
Introduction to Information Architecture
Introduction to Information Architecture 1 How spaces and structures are designed in the information level. Purpose To empower designers in working in the Interaction Design stage. Outline Intro Information Architecture Information, Data, Content Definition Main Ontology Definition Framework Nouns and Verbs Controlled Vocabulary Taxonomy Definition Facets Types of Relationships Diagrams Choreography Definition Placemaking Content Things…
List or Group?
In finding the best term for separating a collection of items, which to use—list or group? Brain dump: List implies linearity, structure. Group implies randomness. — In generalizing the semantics of all items in a collection—in an HTML document—go for group. <ul class=”list group”>…</ul> <div class=”group”>…</div> <dl class=”list group”>…</dl> — It is important to note…
Exploring Name—Description—Purpose (NDP)
But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a spirit, has a name Colors of the Wind In terms of User Interface Design, every element must serve its purpose—its reason for being. In able to be identified, it must have a name and a description of what it does. The…
The Outline: That Thing Before the Wire Frame
As UI designers, it’s easy to jump into sketching UIs through wire frames. Afterall, UIs are commonly visual. But taking a careful step of planning before sketching is a rewarding way of ensuring that the information embedded into the UI is well-thought of. Just like it making speeches or writing articles, the writer may create…
Component Master List: Elements of Information Structure
In this post, we will discuss Elements of Information Structure. We’ll use as an example to demonstrate how information is structured in such a way that all its elements are identifiable in singles and in groups. Elements of Information Structure Contents of web sites and apps can be called “information” – these are words,…